Captain Morgan 1, NFL 0

By Andy Larsen / 11.13.2009

by Andy Larsen
This morning, the NFL announced a ban on players striking a pose similar to the pirate on the…{more}

I Dig Retro

By Garth Cramer / 11.02.2009

by Garth Cramer
I dig retro. I dig old posters, I dig old t-shirts and I really dig old stereo equipment. I am the guy with the wife who is understandably annoyed at…{more}

Surviving a “Meet-the-Media” Meat Market

By Andy Larsen / 11.02.2009

by Andy Larsen
With all apologies to Twitter, I firmly believe the best way to connect with a journalist is to meet ‘em in person. Unfortunately, that’s easier said than done because most journalists are…{more}

Out with the Old

By Boelter Lincoln / 10.07.2009

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]In our American dialogue lie words from every corner of the world — some Yiddish, some Italian, and many from our own popular culture. Some of these words get tossed in and become everyday lingo. Phrases like “What do you know?” and “It’s cool” or “Schmuck,” have become a regular part of how we speak.…

Not so soft on Hardee’s®

By Boelter Lincoln / 10.06.2009

I’m an easy-going guy – 98% of the time. I enjoy a good laugh, I let people merge into traffic. But then there’s the other 2%, when the smallest things drive me nuts. Like NFL pre-game shows or forwarded e-mails commanding you to follow asinine instructions. Things like this usually fall victim to one of…

An Argument for Ghostblogging

By Andy Larsen / 10.06.2009

“Ghostblogging” is a red-hot topic in social media circles, with many experts railing indignantly against it. As someone who has been ghostwriting client speeches, soundbites and quotes for nearly two decades, I’ve followed this conversation with great interest…and, admittedly, some amusement. The argument against ghostwriting revolves around authenticity and transparency. Blogs, it is felt, should…

Fostering creativity from the inside out

By Boelter Lincoln / 10.06.2009

On the surface, being a creative person in advertising is an opportunity to show your true self. Writing or designing is inherently expressive and free of corporate norms otherwise reserved for people in suits. And this is largely the view of ad agencies as a whole — fun, energetic spirits brainstorming on modern furniture. But…

Dear Local Car Dealer

By Garth Cramer / 09.15.2009

by Garth Cramer
Recently, while sitting at the breakfast table awaiting my morning traffic and…{more}

Marveling at Disney

By Boelter Lincoln / 09.01.2009

by Brandon Coleman
Yesterday, Disney announced that it was purchasing Marvel Comics for the sum of 4 billion dollars. As you might expect, news spread quickly throughout the traditional news outlets, as well as the Internet…{more}

I Can’t Live, If Living Is Without Google

By Boelter Lincoln / 06.15.2009

Google has winnowed its way into my every day, morning noon and night. And 1:30 am. I didn’t realize just how much I rely on it until I wrote out the list of ways I use it, but that comprehensive list is below. My hope is that you will learn some new ways to Google…