Boelter + Lincoln, Blog, Packers, Social Media

How do Packers fans #RunTheTable?

By Boelter Lincoln / 01.13.2017

When it comes to fan experience, only one team with nearly 100 years of dedication, beer drinking, football-loving Americans has the liberty to say they’re The Best Fans in the NFL, according to Forbes. It’s no surprise that Packers fans thrive on voicing their emotions via social media. Whether it’s a green and gold selfie…

Blog, boelter lincoln, quit social media

Quit Social Media?

By Andy Larsen / 12.16.2016

While scrolling through Facebook at work last week, I came across a New York Times opinion editorial imploring readers to quit using social media if they want to advance their careers. Although I agreed with many of author Cal Newport’s points – particularly about social’s addictive, distracting, narcissistic nature – I immediately considered writing a…

Blog, Boelter Lincoln, Live Streaming, Social Media

3 Ways to Use Live Streaming Social Media

By Boelter Lincoln / 11.15.2016

“If you didn’t put it online, it never happened.” It’s not a new idea that if you want your brand to stay relevant (especially with millennials) you need to find a way to keep in touch with the outlets consumers are using most often. Television is certainly not dead, but it doesn’t reach the masses…

blog, Boelter + Lincoln, Pitch Emails, Emails

Six Tips for “Pitch” Emails

By Andy Larsen / 08.10.2016

Unsolicited emails are an annoying fact of life. I begin every morning by wading through dozens and dozens of them, deleting at least 90 percent. Ironically, once I’m finished, I often begin sending unsolicited emails myself. This is probably true for many businesspeople. While person-to-person networking, inbound marketing and social media interactions are all important…

Blog, Boelter + Lincoln, Banking, Public Relations, Financial

Good Banking PR Doesn’t Take An Oversized Check

By Ken Leiviska / 07.20.2016

“Can you take a photo of us handing over a $500 check to a local charity?” It was one of the most annoying calls I ever took as a newspaper reporter. Don’t get me wrong, donating to worthwhile causes is great. But calling local media to come take a “grip ‘n grin” photo isn’t good…

Blog, Boelter + Lincoln, Pokémon

Pokémon Go: The Augmented Reality Show

By Boelter Lincoln / 07.14.2016

Millions of people across the U.S. are trying to “catch ‘em all.” No, it’s not the ‘90s, but Pokémon Go has the all-so-coveted attention of the modern millennial consumer. What better way to intrigue a generation resisting the urge to plunge into traditional adulthood than to pique their childhood interests? Google startup  Niantic, the studio…

Blog, Boelter + Lincoln, Food Marketers, Food, Marketing

Education a Key for Food Marketers

By Boelter Lincoln / 07.07.2016

For many of today’s consumers, food has to be more than just calories to fill you up. It has to contribute to a healthy diet and overall lifestyle. Looking at the last meal you ate, do you know what it did for your body? How much protein it provided? How many carbs? Were there any…

Blog, Boelter + Lincoln, Millennials, Health Care

Millennials Surfing For Health Care Value

By Boelter Lincoln / 06.29.2016

Millennials might not seem like the target audience for a health care marketing campaign, but the truth is, they should be. Millennials have surpassed Gen Xers as the largest generation in the U.S. labor force, according to the Pew Research Center, and they’re bringing unique health needs with them. Combine that with their $2.45 trillion…

Blog, Boelter + Lincoln, Organizational Culture, Agency Culture

Organizational Culture: Not Just a Buzzword

By Andy Larsen / 06.20.2016

“Organizational culture” is a buzzword that I used to be skeptical of, particularly in relation to agency management. In the dog-eat-dog world of advertising, it just seemed too squishy. Why not let hard data (like billing projections and balance statements) drive management discussions? Certainly, that’s the safe, CYA approach; having a quantitative rationale makes any…

Blog, Boelter + Lincoln, Google

Big Changes at Google Will Impact Marketers

By Boelter Lincoln / 06.07.2016

As Heraclitus said, “The only thing that is constant is change.” Google lives by that mantra. Not only does their name doodle change (almost) daily on the homepage, the search engine has made many updates to their ad platform during the last few months. To keep up with competing ad platforms, there are some key…