I heart Pinterest.

My current obsession: Pinterest. It’s a love affair that has been going on for several months. What do the two of us have in common?
I love to cook.
I love to decorate.
I somewhat like crafting.
(My Mom is awesome at crafting, so I pin things she can make for me)
I love holiday decorations.
I love gardening.
My dog Herman deserves the best of the best.
Pinterest has replaced all of my bookmarks, and is now my home base for all things awesome – it’s my personal online vision board. And unlike other social networks, there aren’t any haters. People aren’t pinning things that they despise and hate. Or letting you know how crappy of a night of sleep they got. No one is complaining about politics, or the weather or criticizing your posts.
They are posting delicious looking recipes, ways to paint the guest bedroom, different ways to decorate with mason jars, perfect wine and cheese pairings, inspiration quotes, beautiful places to visit, and videos that you laugh at so hard at that you pee your pants.
With recipes, I pin what seems good. I then go home and make it – if it turns out fabulous, I keep the pin, if not, then an unpinning happens.
I’m a pinning fool. I can’t wait to make the Orange Julius recipe. My dog Herman loves his new dog bed. My new Christmas decoration was a bit of a bust (but there is always next year.) I didn’t like the pretzel bites, but the goat cheese rolled in pistachios and dried cranberries was a HUGE success. I cried when I learned how to fold a fitted sheet. My dry goods in the kitchen are in airtight containers and are easy to find.
Oh, Pinterest, how I love thee.
I’m looking forward to my little 4×4 garden again this summer- and Pinterest will be my go to source! I now don’t need to spend time Googling square foot gardening blogs like I did last year – I know there is a fellow pinner that has already done the dirty work for me.
So folks, get pinning. Help me find one more project to do!