Micro Data, Macro Strategies: MMS ‘17 Highlights

Now in its sixth year, the Modern Marketing Summit (MMS) in Chicago has grown into a globally significant showcase of the latest marketing trends. This year’s conference had a heavy focus on the future of artificial intelligence, but also provided great insights to more applicable, data-driven strategies for agencies to implement.
One of the sessions, Data + Content- Sales: How to look at the right data to drive, creative and build your business, looked at Kellogg’s approach to data analysis and how it optimizes its media channels to increase results and revenue. Specifically, the session discussed how Kellogg’s and its agency, Starcom USA, are working together to “democratize” data using a technique called The KUBE. This process allows them to communicate more effectively, sharing data and research. Using it, Kellogg’s was able to identify and make sense of their social media data by monitoring shared opportunities, threats and alerts and distinguish paid versus earned media. From that vantage point, Kellogg’s could review its data completely, come up with strategies and respond with quick-turnaround content. They emphasized that the adoption of The KUBE platform helped bring all the marketing teams at Kellogg’s together to act on the results collectively, rather than in a series of uncoordinated responses.
The session Making the Data Connection (presented Drew Breuing of PlaceIQ and Stephanie Stopulos of Starcom USA) touched on understanding the real-world customer journey. With so much data now at their fingertips, marketers can fall into the trap of looking at and applying macro trends to their campaigns without always accounting for the “boring” habits that humans tend to create. These data points are often more important to consider when attempting to apply a predictability factor to marketing plans. The speakers drove home the concept that consumers are constantly restructuring desire lines and that advertisers often need a change of altitude to navigate the right flight plan. Share-of-visit analysis, visitation measurement and advanced audience analytics are just a few of the techniques innovative brands are using to take a deeper look at their customer journey and modifying business decisions accordingly.
Overall, the summit provided an excellent insight into how global companies are approaching the utilization of data, restructuring the customer journey and leveraging up-and-coming trends.
Emily Madelung contributed to the research and content of this blog post.