Advertising That Gets Inside Your Head

As we wrapped up the year 2010, the advertising industry was preparing an early entrance into 2011 with new, and debatably improved, techniques. I am referring to the BMW Germany campaign crafted by the ad agency Serviceplan. The campaign utilizes new “photo-flash” technology. BMW tested the new commercial at a cinema in Germany, and the ad does not include any visible logo; so it seems.
The ad for the motorbike division stars BMW motorcycle racer, Ruben Xaus, who competed in the world Superbike championships. Xaus describes how he is living his dream. Speaking over dramatic, black and white imagery of him riding and competing, as a bright photo-flash occurs. “Just close your eyes. Look deep into yourself. Maybe it’s your dream, too. It’s in you”, he tells the audience, “close your eyes and you will see it.” The audience does just that. As they close their eyes, they see the BMW logo appear. This takes the idea of leaving an impression to the next level.
In the world of advertising, we are passionate about what we do. We are communicators and we have a lot to say. In representing a brand, we are consistently challenged to take an idea or concept one step further than the competition. In a society inundated with messages coming from every direction and all sorts of mediums, this can prove to be quite the difficult task. By utilizing innovation and a sense of adventure, BMW found a way to not only get the audience’s attention, but to involve them in the process.
Although not everyone appreciated this new and progressive approach, it was a real hit among the BMW motorbikes target audience. These individuals are thrill seekers. Boundary breakers. Advocates of the dream. This campaign not only speaks to them, it provides them with a vision. A vision like the creators of this campaign clearly possessed as they set the bar higher for the competition.
This new application involving consumers in a more responsive and dynamic way has received admiration that is well deserved. Having a brand logo appear inside your head is a remarkable notion. Something most would have never thought possible. In an industry where the impossible is where creativity begins, this serves as motivation. Take a look for yourself. Be inspired by brilliance.