You Are What You Drink

This past weekend I was going to engage in my customary activities like volunteering as a bingo caller at the local nursing home, reading poetry and saving children from burning buildings…{more}

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Run, Agency, Run!

I’ve always enjoyed running and was even in track in high school. However, over the past few years, I had really cut down on the amount of running I’ve been doing…{more}

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Top Twitter Tips from Me to You

As Twitter continues to gain popularity, and everyone from your next-door neighbor to you fiercest competitor hops onboard, it’s become evident that you too should take a leap of faith and join the masses. Trust me, it’s not as scary as it seems. You might even have fun with it along the way! How do…

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LinkedIn: To Pay or Not to Pay?

Social media is revolutionizing the art and convenience of networking. No longer do you need to rely on paying and attending multiple association events (which can be costly) to get in front of potential prospective customers, colleagues, and friends. Now you can do it at your convenience in your own home, at any hour of…

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Press Release SEO

A few years ago, I read a study on the “believability” of news sources that seemed a little, well, unbelievable. Essentially, it suggested that fewer and fewer people were differentiating between theoretically objective news outlets (such as newspaper sites) and less-objective outlets (like bloggers) or even non-objective outlets (like company websites or press releases). This…

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Baseball is back.

The boys of summer have returned, and a new baseball season is upon us. Baseball season is a favorite of mine for many reasons….{more}

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