Uncover Your Brand’s True Nature Through Archetypes

We all know “people like that.” You know, Harley-riding rebels or Nike-wearing heroes or Chevy-driving regular guys. There are so many different types of people in the world — or just in our circle of friends for that matter — and each of us is motivated by something specific. To satisfy that inner motivation, we…

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Make the Most of Your Media Relations

Love her or hate her, Sarah Palin attracts media attention. And it’s apparent from the attention she garnered around the November release of her book, “Going Rogue,” that she’s more polished and prepared for the media spotlight than she was when she was stumping for the McCain ticket. And regardless of your feelings about the…

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Out with the Old

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]In our American dialogue lie words from every corner of the world — some Yiddish, some Italian, and many from our own popular culture. Some of these words get tossed in and become everyday lingo. Phrases like “What do you know?” and “It’s cool” or “Schmuck,” have become a regular part of how we speak.…

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Not so soft on Hardee’s®

I’m an easy-going guy – 98% of the time. I enjoy a good laugh, I let people merge into traffic. But then there’s the other 2%, when the smallest things drive me nuts. Like NFL pre-game shows or forwarded e-mails commanding you to follow asinine instructions. Things like this usually fall victim to one of…

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Fostering creativity from the inside out

On the surface, being a creative person in advertising is an opportunity to show your true self. Writing or designing is inherently expressive and free of corporate norms otherwise reserved for people in suits. And this is largely the view of ad agencies as a whole — fun, energetic spirits brainstorming on modern furniture. But…

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Marveling at Disney

by Brandon Coleman
Yesterday, Disney announced that it was purchasing Marvel Comics for the sum of 4 billion dollars. As you might expect, news spread quickly throughout the traditional news outlets, as well as the Internet…{more}

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I Can’t Live, If Living Is Without Google

Google has winnowed its way into my every day, morning noon and night. And 1:30 am. I didn’t realize just how much I rely on it until I wrote out the list of ways I use it, but that comprehensive list is below. My hope is that you will learn some new ways to Google…

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Blogging for business – 5 tips for better blogs.

In the topsy-turvy world of Web 2.0, blogging has given everyman a voice. Dialog is erupting across cyberspace and many companies want in on the conversation. And for good reason — social media is the new marketplace. But what’s unique about this storefront, is the transparency of honest talk. It’s all about the customer out…

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Coke is it and I’m loving it.

In this unstable world of severely fluctuating markets, global terrorism and infighting of American Idol judges, we have little to count on. The “rocks” that I cling to, personally, include my lovely wife, my fabulous daughter and the fact that a Coca-Cola® served at McDonald’s® is better tasting than any other Coke in the world.…

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