The Holiday Countdown Begins
Every year, when November 15th rolls around, a reminder in my calendar pops up: START PREPARING FOR THE HOLIDAYS. My first reaction is to laugh and roll my eyes, because I always go overboard with holiday planning. Then I start to remember why I planted a reminder in my calendar each year…and start to panic. That date signals an onslaught of seasonal activities – including holiday cards, decorations, baking, cooking, holiday parties, shopping for gifts, and closing the fiscal year end at work – all smashed into four weeks. Here’s how things have gone so far:
I’m feeling good about my time management this year. The kids are another year older. They feed themselves, and dress themselves now, which gives me more time to concentrate on my large “To Do” list. Unfortunately, I then take my youngest son to his doctor’s appointment — where he proudly brags to the doctor how he has had the same pair of underwear on for a whole week because he doesn’t like any of the other underwear in his drawer. After I recover from the embarrassment, I add two new things to my list: 1) buy underwear; and 2) conduct a daily laundry inspection. Sigh.
Time to gather everyone up for the holiday card picture. Where’s the dog? Either someone has filmed an episode of Blue’s Clues in our living room, or the dog ate a marker and in the process got it all over his paws. Add carpet cleaning to the “To Do” list.
There are a few things checked off of my “To Do” list. I’m feeling better about this. I get into the office, head straight for the coffee pot, and there he is…our office fish in his little bowl outside the conference room, belly up at the top of the bowl. My little buddy. I cleaned his fish bowl for the past 31 weeks. The little trouper lived 216 days. I’m very sad to see him go….but on a selfish note, that’s one less thing on the “To Do” list this week. R.I.P. Conference Room Goldfish!
I am currently in Week Four of my holiday preparations. Shopping, wrapping and cards are now checked off of the list. Everything else is close to complete. Things are on schedule and I am exhausted as I enter a calendar reminder for next year, starting with November 15, 2012. Then I remember the last four weeks – and move the reminder back to October 15, 2012!